I found this picture while checking out flickr this morning – gorgeous flower sushi from Katsura on flickr



We got this great email in from Louisa with a photo of some Doodle Bread  (or magic bread as it gets called in her house 🙂 ) so she’s getting a wee treat in the post..

Have you made doodle bread? Send us your pics and you’ll get a treat too..


Where have I been?! I don’t know, working away on doodle bread orders and the build up to christmas, so I found this fishing about on Flickr and thought that it was appropriate lol  – from h_aroo

I need to get back into this.. it’s so much fun looking for doodles online 🙂 Here is an embroidery made from a doodle by legendary outsider musician Daniel Johnstone


via myloveforyou

I wasn’t joking, halloween is indeed my favourite holiday, and here’s the proof! In case you’re not sure who we’re supposed to be, here is me dressed up as my favourite surrealist painter Frida Kahlo, and ronan decided to dress up as 80’s arcade game PONG (squint your eyes! lol – there was lots of “umm.. who are you supposed to be?” But isn’t that the point of halloween?! It is for us, dressing up in costumes that you have to spend ten minutes explaining.. still, we had a great time!


Marie Taylor! Congratulations Marie 🙂

This is our third Doodle Bread give-away and you probably know the drill by now!  Up until halloween, we’ll be posting halloweeny doodle bread loaves every few days and for your chance to win a doodle bread kit, all we want you to do is Email us and tell us what is Halloweeny about this doodle bread?

We’ll pick the first winner by 12 noon GMT on Thursday 29th October 2009 (using a random number generator) … And like before, we’ve got more kits to give away up to Halloween so keep checking back for more Halloween doodly fun…!

Our winner this time is Lorraine Paterson – Congratulations!

Keep posted though, there are more Doodle Bread give-aways to come :)

The last loaf was a skull made with white and cocoa dough 🙂

This is our second Doodle Bread give-away!  Up until halloween, we’ll be posting halloweeny doodle bread loaves every few days and for your chance to win a doodle bread kit, all we want you to do is Email us and tell us what is Halloweeny about this doodle bread?
skull_2_low res

We’ll pick the first winner by 12 noon GMT on Friday 23rd October 2009 (using a random number generator) … And like before, we’ve got more kits to give away up to Halloween so keep checking back for more Halloween doodly fun…!